I’ve been enjoying experimenting with combinations of old photos of me and my family with my mother’s textile designs of the 1950’s in the backgrounds.

Ruth Blackford - textile artist, illustrator, printmaker London

Me & Mum 1966

Ruth Blackford - textile artist, illustrator, printmaker London

Mum & Paul 1959

Ruth Blackford - textile artist, illustrator, printmaker London

Me 1970 (I would like to stress that I wasn’t responsible for this fancy dress outfit – I wanted to go as Mr Ben but Mum had other ideas)

Ruth Blackford - textile artist, illustrator, printmaker London

Me & Paul 1970

Ruth Blackford - textile artist, illustrator, printmaker London

Mum & Peter

Ruth Blackford - textile artist, illustrator, printmaker London

Me, What You Looking At? 1974